Saturday, July 31, 2010

Long day

Short staffed + last table 1h45m late = nearly 9 hour shift = too tired/busy to look for a good picture

Friday, July 30, 2010

Don't call the health department

We had a chipmunk sneak into the restaurant.
First he hung out in dish pit...

Then the bathroom...

before succumbing to a mouse trap...

and being taken outside

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stay in school, part 2

Despite the 40 humidex, the kitchen isn't air conditioned and our boss doesn't want us using this.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My ride

I rode to Masonville and back today just to see if I could.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

They're here, they're queer...

I went to the Pride parade hoping to see some of my old friends, but they all had other plans this year. I did however get to see the battle of the protesters... The anti-protest protesters seemed to outnumber the protesters 4:1 (but had somewhat conflicting messages)


Friday, July 23, 2010

July 19-23

I had some Londonlicious photos, but they lost when I killed my phone. So, just some random pictures of my namorado and our children-in-fur...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

And again...

2 more burns, bringing the total up to 3 in 2 days. I think I need on of those vacation things I keep hearing about...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Smart kitty

I don't know why "quick release" pet collars are so popular. Yoko has figured out how to undo the clasp.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Christmas in July

I finally got around to taking pictures of Christmas presents for Alex's mom. (My mother-in-common law? What's the right expression?) She wanted Alex to get me something on her behalf and I promised I would sent her a picture of the boots she got me. (Reminds me of holding up presents at Kamminga Christmas to show Beppe what she got us...) I also included the earrings Alex got me and the IPhone she and his dad bought him.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ladies who lunch

Lunch with Angela! (I tried to get her to lift her shirt for a belly shot, but she wasn't having it)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My bling

I'm getting excited about having a birthday lunch with Angela tomorrow by showing of previous birthday presents from her.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Birthday blitz

Three people at work had their birthdays in the past week and Alex&I got to celebrate them all in the span of 24 hours.

12:30 am.- Amanda's

We debated if jello shooters counted as a food or not.

7:30 pm. - General Manager John

This lady was also having a birthday (her 81st)

I don't know if this is the standard 50th birthday gift, or just where we work.

10:30 pm. Chef Denis

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Canterbury Folk Festival

My cousin-friend and I found out a group we like was playing a free concert in Ingersoll, so we HAD to go.

Well, there go all my plans...

We didn't find any "air pants", but we did find these.

Marnie enjoying her first ever kettle corn.

I wanted a picture of me enjoying my cotton candy, but it just looks dirty (and this was the less kinky looking one!)

Some riverdance-y guy before the worms.


Marnie & I are pretty sure this is our cousin-in-law Joel in disguise.